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Wednesday, May 13, 2009




Atlanta a city that was placed on the map because the Olympics was hosted there. This is what I refer to as the “gold-rush” era. In the 90’s is when so many people from everywhere came to attend the festivities and watch the various sporting events.

Atlanta had to prepare for this, so the city built hotels all over the place! In the suburbs and of course there were a lot erected around and by the airport. It was like this city had resurrected of some sort. Of course Atlanta is the capitol of Georgia. So here comes all of these new visitors seeing the beauty of Atlanta, housing was cheap, the land beautiful. The place friendly, so now people were making moves form the “big city” down to the south. Major corporations had moved their headquarters to Atlanta. Of course they all saw the potential, and they (Atlanta) had to provide jobs for these millions of people whom had flocked there.

Then there was Freak Nik, what started off as a spring break event hosted and promoted by a popular DJ. He had the right connections to get Hip-Hop artist to come and perform in the city of Atlanta. He had no set place for the event; it was given at various places all over the city. Mostly parking lots or parks. Of course this event had a city permit. Here the college kids (which whom it was for) Clarke University, Morehouse, Spellman, and all other colleges and Universities could kick back and have a great time. They were able to come see live performances from some of the top artist in Hip-Hop.

Now what ended up happening was that word had spread of Freak Nik, and you now had not only college students from Atlanta coming to Freak Nik, but you had other teenagers coming from other states to attend the festivity. However, as Freak Nik grew in its popularity, it attracted adults in their early twenties late twenties and their thirties. Of course we all know what goes on at spring break with young kids. Drinking, drugs, and sex, so now everyone would like to test the waters and have a free for all.

I was astounded when I spoke to men that actually made their vacation plans around Freak Nik. How they spoke of the illicit sex that was had by many right their in the daylight! Women stripping, drinking, women fondling each other, exchanging oral favors with the men, young men and older (too old for that scene) drinking and acting out from seeing all that flesh. Can you imagine the eroticism that went on? This had now gotten way out of control. It was no longer about the free concerts, it was now to the point that people were gathering in various places, taking up parking lots where no one was able to get in or out of the parking light. Men walked around with guns, women were being raped, and also gang raped. Calls were made to the police to come break up the disruptive behavior. Of course there was smoking and selling of drugs, and both sexes drunk out of their minds. This was an event that the men could ask outwardly and very forward could they have sex.

It had hit the fan, Freak Nik had caused riots, and it was banned from the city of Atlanta. They have spoken about bringing it back here. But it left such an atrocious taste in her mouth (Atlanta) she was now something she never ever wanted to be, a hoar, and prostitute.

And during the five year stint of Freak Nik, more explorers had moved there. How wonderful for the many women and men in Atlanta. I was always told the positive and wonderful things about the city. How artsy it was, how beautiful, how easy it was to start a business, how easy the hustle was, the land of plenty, cheaper housing, more for your money. The men were respectful, (really?) and the list goes on and on.

I believe that things can leave forever a bad taste in ones mouth, example; the Holocaust, slavery, crack, Reganomics, AIDS, the black plague, the Bush administration. Bad memories, unhealthy times and weights to carry for so many of us. Well for over the 8 million people that had moved there, woe unto them. Women and men were having illicit affairs everywhere. Marriages were breaking up because the women and men were so lose with themselves.

And because of the unattractive energy Freak Nik left upon the city. A place where she was graced to serve the world Olympics ruined! Ruined by sex, lies, and so many raw tales of what goes on there.

Freak Nik in Atlanta was devastating, had all these people thinking and feeling it was okay to express them selves when and where they wanted. I moved to Atlanta in 2006, so I was far from the Freak Nik days. And here were people acting as if the festivity still reigned upon the city of women and men there.


There was a man that was fired from the company before I got there for receiving oral copulation from a woman that worked there. She was giving him oral sex in the parking lot of the job! There were women and men sneaking off at lunch and having sex at the nearby park, and inside cars. Supervisors would be fired if they had any relationships, friends and anything else with employees. They could not fraternize with anyone that was a customer service representative of the company. Of course this stopped none of them.

A lady who was a supervisor was having and affair with a young man seven years her junior there. She was thirty-six. She gave him money, she let him get away with tons of things, and they hung out after work. Went on trips, and she was his supervisor. She had been with this company for years, and she had a lot to lose being in the throes of such madness. But she was hooked, hung up by her lust for this young man. I heard she had screwed quite a few dudes at the company. And if I were judging from outer appearances, she would not be my choice of a woman that I would have sex with (if I were a man). However she did have a beautiful personality. However the kind, loving, warm and sensitive woman that she claimed to be was living a double life! She would quote Bible scriptures and sing of Gods goodness and mercy. (And I have no problem with that at all) However in the same breath would be sending pictures of her in compromising positions, clothing, and body parts to the men that worked in the office with us. How do I know? I seen them, and a supervisor she wanted so bad told me of the illicit photos and as well showed me what she had sent him. It was not attractive to me, for a woman to want a man so bad, only having his number because “he” being a new supervisor was told to exchange numbers with his fellow supervisors. Only to be sent pics of her private parts.

She threw herself to many men there in the company, the confusing part for me was. Why would you want to speak on God and put yourself in a bad light? We are all suppose to lead by example, you cannot do that of you are the opposite of what you speak. Well, of course this is my opinion.

There were so many episodes of how vicariously I lived my crazy want and need for sex. I mean I guess one could call me a siren, I loved flirting, but I just could not be so open with so many at one time. Well, let me correct that. I have had lovers, men that I have dated. And I have dated more than one man at a time. I just did not do it with five to six men working, living, and playing on or in the same playground. When Toy does, Toy makes it an effort not to confuse one man with another. And not to “cross breed” or “pollinate” those in close proximity of one another. Why? Who needs to know all of my business? How and what I enjoy doing? It seems to me we can (or for those who can) be at times promiscuous. And yes I have been a busy little beaver, but not with the CEO, the COO and three to four of my co-workers that are present in the office. I am an adult, and refuse to have someone wagging their tongue about my fetishes and fantasies. I figured they were all talking about me, curious about my sexuality, the women probably feeling me or not feeling me. Jealous or not jealous, I exuded I know a sexual aura about myself. So let I them eat cake! By the way I had not been, or had a casual sexual experience with anyone at any job that I worked at…Until…but I will get there.

It seems to me that when some people get caught up in the sexual liaisons of the flesh they start off with what they feel maybe “undercover” and then some how, some way, they begin to start slipping up and now many people know the “erotic” side of you.

There were of course the down-low men that worked in the company. Of course men are jaded by other men that may have what they don’t have. The same way it goes with women, and let me state for the record. I am not the individual that labels men as “dogs” neither are women “bitches”. See in my eyes I feel that one sex is not worse than the other. There are men and women in prison and jail for the same crimes. They of course are just housed separately at different facilities, and because of how some are so sexual and can not reframe from being sexual. What happens? They turn to each other, those who may have never ever thought of being with the same sex. And some have life ten, twenty-five years or more. Well, who wants to not have sex all those years? (Hmm?)

There have been many writers and authors that have written books, articles, and have spoke on live TV (taped) of the down-low men that are living in Atlanta. I have been told by many that if there were any undercover, of course no one knew. There were no openly gay people living in Atlanta. But all of a sudden it became what some would like to say the “gay mecca” and by the looks of things it does seem to be so. I have nothing against gays or lesbians, and those who crossover to the same side of those burning sands. I do have an issue with women and men who can not be honest about their sexual desires. One should not have to experience death or some STD because you indulge in such lust.

Well of course there were some men who I questioned their sexuality if you read the Episode One of the Dirty Dirty South. Then you can recall the gentleman that had told me he wanted to kiss me. And this was his first time meeting me and introducing himself to me. Well, he was very down-low, or was he? I mean he openly flirted with men and women right in front of my face! Talk about bold! However he would deny that he liked men, “we” all said that his best friend and he were lovers because they stayed up under each other all the time at every waking minute.

There was a younger guy that worked there who was a sharp dresser, very cocky, arrogant, overly bold, and had an extreme crassness with the words he used. It was as if he never thought before he spoke. I had many incidences where he would speak the foulest things to me in a flirtacous manner. He was extremely aggravating, and this went for most of the women that worked there. However of course there were some who liked how he spoke to them and would oblige him.

Oops, that is my time. I will be back next week with more tales of the Erotic Cities The Flip-Side every Wednesday. And I will continue with this story…..

Just Toy

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